Friday, June 27, 2008

Dutch inventors develop robotic arm to fill car gas tanks

Dutch inventors have just created a robot which allows users to
simply pull up to a gas
pump and have their cars refuelled without
having to get out of their warm comfy seats. Unlike the Honda ASIMO which can do multiple tasks, this device is very specialized and is mounted right beside the gas tank.

The new device starts by registering the car upon its arrival at the gas station and matching the vehicle with its database of fuel cap designs and fuel types. After this is done, the robotic arm extends from the regular gas pump, opens the car's flap, unscrews the cap, picks up the fuel nozzle, and directs it towards the tank opening.

According to petrol station operator and developer of this device, Nico van Staveren, the inspiration came to him while he was on a farm watching a robotic arm milk a cow. He thought, "if a robot can do that then why can't it fill a car tank."

Like most innovations, this device doesn't come cheap. Expect it to go for a whopping € 75,000 (about US$ 111,100) for each unit


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